Performer: Melvyn Tan OBOE COLLECTION: (Review by George Chien) | harpsichord | OBOE COLLECTION: (Review by George Chien) | harpsichord | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Bagatelles, op. 126 (Review by Myron Silberstein) | piano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Bagatelles, ops. 33, 119, and 126. Seven Variations on “God Save the King,“ WoO 78. Five Variations on “Rule Britannia,“ WoO 79. Fantasia in G Minor, op. 77 (Review by Bernard D. Sherman) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Concerto No. 5 In E♭ for Piano and Orchestra, op. 73 (“Emperor“). Fantasia in C for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra, op. 80 (Review by William Zagorski) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra (Review by William Zagorski) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra (Review by William Zagorski) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: In questa tomba oscura. T’intendo si, mio cor. Als die Geliebte sich trennen wollte. Seufzer eines Ungeliebten. Gegenliebe. Sehnsucht. An die Geliebte. Der Kuss. Maigesang. Adelaide (Review by Raymond Beegle) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Concertos (Review by Ron Salemi) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Concertos (Review by Christopher Abbot) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Sonata No. 30 (Review by Myron Silberstein) | piano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Sonatas Nos. 30–32 (Review by Robert Markow) | piano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Sonatas (Review by Leslie Gerber) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Sonatas (Review by Leslie Gerber) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Piano Sonatas (Review by Leslie Gerber) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Six Variations, op. 34. Bagatelle, WoO 59 (“Für Elise“). Andante, WoO 57 (“Andante favori“). Allegretto in C Minor, WoO 53 (Review by Susan Kagan) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Sonata in F for Horn and Piano, op. 17 (Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Sonatas (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Symphony No. 8 (Review by Mortimer H. Frank) | piano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Works for Piano and Cello, Volume 1 (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN: Works for Piano and Cello, Volume 2 (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | CZERNY: Marcia funebre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven, op. 146 (Review by Myron Silberstein) | piano | CZERNY: Variations on a Theme by Rode, op. 33 (Review by Myron Silberstein) | piano | DVOŘÁK, ANTONIN: Piano Quintet, op. 81 (Review by Robert McColley) | piano | HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH: (arr. Haydn) Scottish Folk Songs (Review by James H. North) | fortepiano | HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH: Arianna a Naxos. The Mermaid's Song. Sailor's Song. Pastoral Song. The Creation (Review by James H. North) | fortepiano | HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH: Symphony No. 85 (Review by Mortimer H. Frank) | piano | JANÁČEK, LEOŠ: String Quartet No. 1, "Kreutzer Sonata" (Review by Robert McColley) | piano | LISZT: Piano Sonata in b (Review by Myron Silberstein) | piano | MENDELSSOHN, FELIX: Rondo Capriccioso, op. 14. Songs Without Words (Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz) | fortepiano | MEYERBEER: Mina. Komm. Ma barque légère. La Fille de l’air. Sicilienne. Prière d’enfants? Le veu pendant l’orage. Des Schäfers Lied (Review by Raymond Beegle) | fortepiano | MOZART: Concert arias (Review by Bernard Jacobson) | piano | MOZART: Concerto No. 6 in B♭ for Piano and Orchestra, K. 238. Concerto No. 7 in F for Three Pianos and Orchestra, K. 242. Concerto No. 10 in E♭ for Two Pianos and Orchestra, K. 365 (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | MOZART: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra (Review by Michael Jameson) | fortepiano | MOZART: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra (Review by William Zagorski) | fortepiano | MOZART: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra (Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz) | fortepiano | MOZART: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra; No. 20 in D Minor, K. 466; No. 23 in A, K. 488 (Review by William Zagorski) | fortepiano | MOZART: Concertos (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | MOZART: Piano Concerto No. 12 (Review by Mortimer H. Frank) | piano | MOZART: Solo Concertos (Review by Bernard Jacobson) | fortepiano | MOZART: The Piano Concertos (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | SCHUBERT: Gott im Frühlinge, D. 448. Nachtviolen, D. 752. Der Wanderer an den Mond, D. 870. Der Musensohn, D. 764. An die Nachtigall, D. 497. Der Schmetterling, D. 633. Abendstern, D. 806. Schwestergruss, D. 762. Der Wach-Mschlag, D. 74S. Nacht und Träume, D. 827. Liebhaber in allen Gestalten, D. 558. Auf dem Wasser zu singen, D. 774. Die Forelle, D. 550. Kennst du das Land, D. 321. Mignon-Lieder, D. 877 (Review by Ralph V. Lucano) | fortepiano | SCHUBERT: Impromptus, D. 899; D. 935 (Review by Leslie Gerber) | fortepiano | SCHUBERT: Introduction and Variations on “Trockne Blumen,“ op. 60, D. 802 (Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz) | fortepiano | SCHUBERT: Lieder (Review by Ralph V. Lucano) | fortepiano | SCHUBERT: Piano Sonatas (Review by John D. Wiser) | fortepiano | SCHUBERT: Six Moments musicaux, D. 780. Drei Klavierstücke, D. 946 (Review by Susan Kagan) | fortepiano | SPOHR, LOUIS: 6 Deutsche Lieder, op. 154 (Review by Raymond Beegle) | fortepiano | WEBER, CARL MARIA VON: Grand Duo Concertante, op. 48, J. 204 (Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz) | fortepiano | WEBER, CARL MARIA VON: Symphonies (Review by James H. North) | fortepiano |
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